
Patient Safety 101 Microcredential Spring 2024

Time limit: 180 days

Spots remaining: 4


Full course description

In this SaferCare Texas Microcredential, HSC faculty & staff, students, and  as well as external audiences learn the core concepts of patient safety. Upon completing this training, HSC participants will gain knowledge and skills to facilitate patient safety embedded leadership skills and mindsets which address patient safety issues that eliminate preventable harm.

Patient safety, in alignment with the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI), addresses not only patient safety but also workforce safety by making patient healthcare safer by both reducing harm and preventable mortality and ensuring the safety and resiliency of the organization and healthcare workforce, a precondition to advancing patient safety.

Estimated Hours to Complete: 30


In the past 20 years, patient safety has become a major concern for our healthcare system and providers, although evidence-based, effective best care practices are seldom shared and implemented. Issues related to knowledge base, leadership, culture, and building skills are necessary to avoid preventable harm to key stakeholders such as healthcare organizations, clinicians, and most importantly the patient.



To be eligible for this microcredential you must be either faculty or staff affiliated with an accredited clinical or healthcare provider program, a current student enrolled in an accredited clinical or healthcare provider program, a healthcare administrator, provider or instructor of future providers. Students must be in good academic standing. Prospective learners should express an interest in patient safety, and be both committed and available to participate in all training acitivites. 

To earn this microcredential, learners will complete four milestones delivered through a blend of asynchronous online modules, and synchronous virtual or in-person volunteer activities. The four milestones are:

  • Milestone 1: Patient Safety 101
  • Milestone 2: Culture of Safety and Leadership
  • Milestone 3: High Reliability Organizations and Leadership
  • Milestone 4: Introduction To The Science of Improvement

Required activities can be completed within 30 hours, made up of instruction and exercises to demonstrate patient safety concepts. Required synchronous and asynchronous activities build knowledge through an online series and in-person service learning, most of which is self-paced but within a time limitation. Completion of the microcredential is to be accomplished during a 6-month block.

Course Faculty:

profile photo of jennifer fix

Kate Taylor, DNP, FNP-C, CPPS, FNAP

Dr. Kate Taylor is a certified family nurse practitioner with 25 years of experience in health care previously serving as an Army Nurse Corps officer and then, as a nurse practitioner in the hospitalist role. Currently, she serves as the Assistant Dean of Clincial and Outreach Affairs for the HSC College of Nursing, Assistant Professor in the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, and Clinical Executive for SaferCare Texas, a patient safety organization.


Dr. Taylor teaches an array of interprofessional learners within the university, locally, nationally and internationally. She works extensively with the Center of Older Adults House Calls program successfully implementing interprofessional team collaboration and a quality improvement innovation. Lastly, she obtained the Certified Professional in Patient Safety credential demonstrating proficiency in the core standard of patient safety.


Dr. Taylor desires to serve and be the voice for the underserved, vulnerable, and often forgotten, yet fastest growing population in the United States, the older adult.

profile photo of Theresa Wagner

Teresa Wagner, DrPH, MS, CPH, RD/LD, CPPS, CHWI, DipACLM, CHWC

Dr. Wagner is a registered and licensed dietitian with a doctorate in public health. She's certfied in Public Health, Patient Safety, Lifestyle Medicine Health Coaching and a certified Community Health Worker Instructor. Dr. Wagner has delivered mulitiple programs, speaking engagements and trainings on health literacy issues. Additionaly, she established both a multi-stakeholder health literacy collaborative with the DFW Hospital Council Foundation and Health Literacy Texas, a statewide nonprofit. 

Her research focuses on alleviating health disparities in underserved communiteis through health literacy to improve population health. As a result of her work, she has recieved both the 2018 Texas Health Literacy Hero Award as well as the 2020 Distinguised Alumni Award from Texas Christian University. In 2022, she was one of 25 National Institute of Health researchers selected to study the use of artificial intelligence to abate health disparities. Currently, she teaches Health Literacy & Communication in the Personal Health & Wellbeing Program. 

photo of Jennifer Barrow

Jennifer Barrow, RN, MSN

Jennifer Barrow is a registered nurse with over 10 years of hospital experience, including emergency services, pediatrics, outpatient surgical services, and risk/patient safety. 

Jennifer currently serves as a Clinical Executive for SaferCare Texas Patient Safety Organization. Jennifer works closely with SaferCare PSO members to increase the culture of safety within their organizations. 

Jennifer aims to collaborate with healthcare leaders to keep patient safety the top priority and ensure the highest quality care is delivered to the community. 


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