
Health Sciences Research Microcredential

Time limit: 365 days

$900 Enroll

Full course description

Estimated Hours to Complete: 30

This microcredential course will prepare learners with the essential skills for conducting health sciences research. There are a variety of research experiences available for health sciences learners, however many times these experiences do not culminate in a formal presentation or journal article that demonstrates the learner's aptitude for research. 

Earners of this microcredential have demonstrated their capacity to conduct health sciences research by their participation in an extensive research program at or approved by the University of North Texas Health Science Center and presentation of research to a local or national conference.


To preview the microcredential requirements (and how the microcredential will appear in your ePortfolio after completion), follow this link: Health Sciences Research Microcredential

Course Instructors

profile photo of Rita Patterson

Rita Patterson, PhD

Dr. Patterson’s research focuses on musculoskeletal function and its role in human performance. Her biomedical engineering perspective affords critical insight to a collaborative team of physicians, basic scientists, physical therapists, and engineers evaluating rehabilitation treatments associated with abnormal motion. Unique to her research is the V-gait Caren system providing state-of-the-art computer-assisted rehabilitation environments through video motion capture, virtual reality, and computational modeling.

Profile photo of Rebecca Cunningham

Rebecca Cunningham, PhD

Dr. Rebecca Cunningham studies the role of steroid hormones, specifically androgens, from prenatal development to aging. Most of her team’s research has been focused on androgen signaling mechanisms and defining the effects of androgens on central nervous system function. One of Dr. Cunningham’s long-term research goals is to determine how development and aging alters neuronal steroid hormonal responses in an oxidative stress environment, a key characteristic of aging, developmental disorders, and neurodegeneration. She has shown that androgens can either be neuroprotective or damaging, and these effects are dependent on the oxidative stress environment. In pursuing this goal, Dr. Cunningham and team use in vitro, in vivo, and clinical approaches to understand how androgens affect brain function. Hopefully this research will expand the understanding of how steroid hormones impact the brain. At the same time, she seeks to gain new insights that can lead to a better understanding of the role of sex in central nervous system disorders.